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Likewise, how is a non scalpel vasectomy done?
With conventional surgery, an incision is madeoneach side of the scrotum to reach the vas deferens. Withano-scalpel vasectomy, the vas deferens are held with aclampfrom outside the scrotum and a needle is used to make a smallholein the scrotum for access to the ducts.
One may also ask, how painful is a no scalpel vasectomy?
It is minimal in general, but it does depend somewhatonhow the procedure is done. I do ano-needle,no-scalpel vasectomy, and it'salmost painless. Themost painful part is the placement ofthe anesthetic, so atraditional vasectomy with multipleneedle sticks can bepainful at first, just like being atthedentist.
You may have a little discomfort when you get thenumbingshot or when the vas deferens tubes are handled duringtheprocedure. But overall, you shouldn't feel too muchpain.There are two types of vasectomies: one thatrequires anincision (a cut in your skin), and one that'sincision-free(no-scalpel or no-cut).