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Asked by: Iliya Quincampoix
events and attractions historic site and landmark toursHow is Abigail Williams characterized?
Hereof, how does Miller characterize Abigail?
Abigail is deftly characterized throughout the play through Miller's stage directions, what other characters say about her, and through Abigail's own actions and dialogue. More important than her physical description and age, however, are Abigail's relationships with the other characters in the play.
Regarding this, what kind of person is Abigail?
Abigail is an orphan and an unmarried girl; she thus occupies a low rung on the Puritan Salem social ladder (the only people below her are the slaves, like Tituba, and social outcasts).
Abigail Williams is Reverend Parris's niece who ends up getting caught dancing naked in the forest and reciting charms with Tituba and several other women. Her actions drive the plot of the play, and she is the catalyst that stirs the hysteria surrounding the witch trials.