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Asked by: Yannik Awrorin
home and garden landscapingHow is an ecological footprint determined quizlet?
Furthermore, how is an ecological footprint determined?
The Ecological Footprint of a person is calculated by adding up all of people's demands that compete for biologically productive space, such as cropland to grow potatoes or cotton, or forest to produce timber or to sequester carbon dioxide emissions.
In this manner, what factors go into calculating an ecological footprint quizlet?
Carrying capacity tells us how many individuals we can sustainably support in a enviroment. While the ecological footprint tells us how much land we need to sustainably provide for a certain population. What factors do affect our ecological footprint? Consumption, economy or population of a certain area.
On the demand side, the Ecological Footprint measures the ecological assets that a given population requires to produce the natural resources it consumes (including plant-based food and fiber products, livestock and fish products, timber and other forest products, space for urban infrastructure) and to absorb its waste