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Asked by: Faraz Calabrese
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingHow is Hanukkah celebrated in the US?
Furthermore, how is Hanukkah celebrated in the United States?
The Jewish holiday Hanukkah is upon us,and to mark the eight-day holiday, dignitaries will gather to lightthe National Menorah across from the White House, and families willlight their own nine-armed menorahs, known as Hanukkiot, one candleper day for eight days.
Beside this, what is the most important night of Hanukkah?
The lighting of the menorah, known in Hebrew as thehanukiya, is the most important Hanukkah tradition. Amenorah is a candlestand with nine branches.
In 2019, Hanukkah begins at sunset on Sunday,December 22. The first candle is lit on the Chanukiah (or menorah)on this date. Note: Hanukkah begins and ends at sundown onthe dates listed below.