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Asked by: Acoran Fernandez De Mesa
home and garden home appliancesHow is microwave depth measured?
Also know, how do you measure the size of a microwave?
To determine cubic feet, one should multiplythemicrowave's interior length by width by height, thendividethis total by 1,728. So, a microwave that is 18 by 14by 12inches is 1.75 cubic feet in size. Microwavesvaryfrom 0.6 cubic feet to over 2 cubic feet, with theaveragesize sold being 1.4 to 1.8 cubic feet.
Similarly, what is the depth of a microwave?
Over-the-Range Microwaves Most models have a width of between 29 and 30 inches,adepth of between 15 and 16 inches, and a height ofbetween16 and 18 inches. Typical capacities range between 1.5 and2.2cubic feet, although compact modelsareavailable.
Built-in models are designed tofitstandard cabinet widths, which have openings 24,27and 30 inches wide -- the size of standardwallovens. Microwaves intended for built-ininstallationare available in heights ranging from about 19 to22inches.