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FDA Approves Drug for Treatment of NocturnalPolyuria.The FDA has approved Noctiva (desmopressin acetate)foradults with nocturnal polyuria. The medication curbsurineproduction, thereby allowing people with nocturnal polyuriatosleep. It is administered by nasal spray, about 30 minutesbeforebed.
Also asked, how do you treat frequent urination?
Treatment for Frequent Urination
- Bladder retraining. This involves increasing theintervalsbetween using the bathroom over the course of about 12weeks.
- Diet modification. You should avoid any food that appearstoirritate your bladder or acts as a diuretic.
- Monitoring fluid food intake.
- Kegel exercises.
- Biofeedback.
Just so, what is considered polyuria?
liˈj??ri?/) isexcessiveor an abnormally large production or passage of urine(greater than2.5 L or 3 L over 24 hours in adults). Frequenturination isusually an accompanying symptom.
These bladder contractions can make you feeltheneed to urinate even when your bladder isn'tfull.Anticholinergic medications include: Oxybutynin(DitropanXL, Oxytrol) Tolterodine (Detrol)