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Asked by: Chourouk Schaffnit
books and literature fictionHow is reputation shown in Jekyll and Hyde?
Also to know is, how is reputation important to Mr Enfield?
Enfield himself is well-known and respected about town. He is the ideal Victorian gentleman with a strong moral compass and impeccable manners in all situations. He detests gossip and sees it as a black mark upon a man's reputation which is of the utmost importance. He professes to hate gossip, but does so with Mr.
Herein, what are the themes of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?
More specifically, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is easily viewed as an allegory about the good and evil that exist in all men, and about our struggle with these two sides of the human personality. In this book, then, the battle between good and evil rages within the individual.
Displeasing suggests that Hyde's smile is offensive and not right, not like normal smiles. This implies that when Hyde tries to do something positive, it has negative outcomes.