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Likewise, people ask, how is the Pardoner described as effeminate?
In the Prologue, the narrator describes the Pardoner as rather effeminate and concerned with fashionable clothes. A voys he hadde as smal as hath a goot, No berd hadde he, ne nevere sholde have; The Pardoner's always drawing attention to his "sack" or "male," the purse he carries in his lap.
Correspondingly, what kind of person is the Pardoner?
The pardoner tells the story and emphasizes the sins of others. He uses the story to provoke the other pilgrims to buy his pardons. This shows that the pardoner is a greedy, hypocritical man. Still, he is a good preacher and the message of his tale, though corrupted, is also good.
by taking money to "forgive sins", he also sells religious trinkets, that are fake.