Asked by: Vico Moldon
travel rail travel

How is the road from Shirdi to Hyderabad?

The aerial distance from Shirdi to Hyderabad is497 km while the road distance between Shirdi toHyderabad is 584 km.By Train it is 657 Km. There is/are 2direct train(s) from Shirdi to Hyderabad. These train(s)is/are Tirupati Express (17418) and Snsi Vskp Exp (18504)etc.

Also asked, how is the road from Hyderabad to tuljapur?

No direct flights or trains or buses are availablebetween Hyderabad to Tuljapur.The convenient and fastest wayto reach from Hyderabad to Tuljapur is to take Indica fromHyderabad to Tuljapur.The cheapest way to reachTuljapur from Hyderabad is to take Pune Shatabdi fromHyderabad to Solapur then take Indica from

Likewise, how can I go to Shirdi from Hyderabad by train? Kopargaon, Parbhani Jn and Nagarsol are major stationsin this route and most trains pass through them. 4trains run directly between Secunderabad Jn and SainagarShirdi namely, SC Snsi EXP, BZA Snsi EXP, COA Snsi EXP andVskp Snsi EXP.

Also to know is, what is the distance between Hyderabad to Tirupati?

587 km

How far is Hyderabad from Pune?

547 km

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There are no direct flights or trains or buses betweenNew Delhi to Tuljapur.The convenient way to reachfrom New Delhi to Tuljapur is to take IndiGo from New Delhito Pune then take State transport bus from Pune toTuljapur.The fastest way to reach Tuljapur from NewDelhi is to take IndiGo from New Delhi to Pune then

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How far is Tirupati temple from Hyderabad airport?

Distance between Hyderabad Airport andTirupati Balaji Temple. It takes 54 minutes to travel fromHyderabad Airport to Tirupati Balaji Temple.Approximate driving distance between HyderabadAirport and Tirupati Balaji Temple is 45 kms or 28 milesor 24.3 nautical miles .

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How can I reach Tirupati Balaji from Secunderabad?

No direct flights or trains or buses are availablebetween Secunderabad to Tirupati.The convenient wayto reach from Secunderabad to Tirupati is totake Tata Indica from Secunderabad to Tirupati.Thefastest way to reach Tirupati from Secunderabad is totake a taxi from Secunderabad to Hyderabad then take TruJetfrom

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How can I go to Tirupati Balaji?

From Tirupati, can also opt for private buses andpaid taxi services from Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Hyderabad andBangalore. Tirumala has no railhead of its own. Rather, touristshave to alight at Tirupati located 26 km or so fromTirumala. The railway station at Tirupati is veryspacious.

Ramatoulaye Miralpeix


What is the cost of train ticket from Hyderabad to Shirdi?

Hyderabad to Sainagar Shirdi Kakinada PortSainagar Shirdi Express (17206) departs from Secunderabad Jnstation (SC) at 16:40 and arrives Sainagar Shirdi station(SNSI) at 09:18 . Hyderabad to Sainagar Shirdi trainfare is Rs.210 in None, Rs.1075 in Third AC, Rs.1555 in SecondAC and Rs.395 in Sleeper for this train.

Rukhsana Naffgen


What are the trains from Secunderabad to Shirdi?

Find all Secunderabad Jn to Sainagar Shirdi Trains
Train Departure Duration
17208 - VIJAYAWADA - SAINAGAR SHIRDI Express 16:40 16H 38M
17002 - SECUNDERABD - SAINAGAR SHIRDI Express 16:40 16H 38M
17417 - TIRUPATI MAIN - SAINAGAR SHIRDI Weekly Express 21:40 14H 35M
18503 - VISAKHAPATNAM - SAINAGAR SHIRDI Express 22:00 14H 15M

Jolita Stuhlert


Which is the nearest railway station for Shirdi?

By Train. Kopergaon Railway Station, 16kilometres away, is the nearest railway station toShirdi. Kopergaon is well-connected to major cities of Indiathrough rail. State run buses, cabs, taxis and private busesare available from the station for Shirdi.

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How can I reach Shirdi from Manmad?

Distance between Manmad toShirdi
There is/are 9 direct train(s) from Manmad toShirdi. These train(s) is/are Coa Snsi Exp (17206), Sc SnsiExp (17002), Dr Sainagar Exp (12131), Bza Snsi Exp (17208), VskpSnsi Exp (18503) etc. The minimum time a train takes to reachShirdi from Manmad is 1h 45m.

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Is there any train to Shirdi?

Chennai Egmore to Sainagar Shirdi TrainTickets
Shirdi is famous for Shri Sai Baba temple.Shirdi Express is the fastest train that runsalong this route covering a distance of 1392 kms in 25 hoursand 20 mins. It is advised to book in advance if you areplanning to travel by this train, as it isavailable only on Wed.

Dzianis Volkmers


How can I reach Nagarsol from Shirdi?

Distance between Nagarsol toShirdi
There are no direct flights or trains or buses betweenNagarsol to Shirdi.The convenient, fastest andcheapest way to reach from Nagarsol to Shirdiis to take a taxi from Nagarsol toShirdi.

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