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The aerial distance from Shirdi to Hyderabad is497 km while the road distance between Shirdi toHyderabad is 584 km.By Train it is 657 Km. There is/are 2direct train(s) from Shirdi to Hyderabad. These train(s)is/are Tirupati Express (17418) and Snsi Vskp Exp (18504)etc.
Also asked, how is the road from Hyderabad to tuljapur?
No direct flights or trains or buses are availablebetween Hyderabad to Tuljapur.The convenient and fastest wayto reach from Hyderabad to Tuljapur is to take Indica fromHyderabad to Tuljapur.The cheapest way to reachTuljapur from Hyderabad is to take Pune Shatabdi fromHyderabad to Solapur then take Indica from
Also to know is, what is the distance between Hyderabad to Tirupati?
587 km
547 km