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Asked by: Olarizu Egitto
science physicsHow is the second law of thermodynamics related to entropy?
Herein, what does the 2nd law of thermodynamics state?
The First Law of Thermodynamics states thatenergy cannot be created or destroyed; the total quantity of energyin the universe stays the same. The Second Law ofThermodynamics is about the quality of energy. It statesthat as energy is transferred or transformed, more and more of itis wasted.
Simply so, what is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and give an example?
The second law states that there exists a usefulstate variable called entropy S. The change in entropy delta S isequal to the heat transfer delta Q divided by the temperature T. Anexample of a reversible process is ideally forcing a flowthrough a constricted pipe. Ideal means no boundary layerlosses.
Affecting Entropy Several factors affect the amount of entropy ina system. If you increase temperature, youincrease entropy. (1) More energy put into a systemexcites the molecules and the amount of random activity. (2) As agas expands in a system, entropyincreases.