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Asked by: Abderahmane Castel
business and finance civil engineering industryHow is truss dead load calculated?
Also asked, how do you calculate dead load?
You can find out the dead load per unitarea since the density of the concrete is known. In case you areinterested to find out the total dead load on theslab , just find out the area of the slab and multiply it bythe Dead load per square meter just calculated. Totaldead load : 375*24 = 9000 Kg. or 9MT.
Simply so, where is the load on a truss?
In trusses loaded by downward forces, the members alongthe top (the “top chord”) are in compression and themembers along the bottom (the “bottom chord”) are intension.
Laws of statics
- are equal in magnitude;
- are opposite in direction; and.
- act along the line between the two points.
Live loads refer to the dynamic forces fromoccupancy and intended use. They represent the transient forcesthat can be moved through the building or act on any particularstructural element. The total dead plus live loadsequal the “gravity load” of the structure. Butyet more loads act upon buildings, as well.