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Asked by: Merri Gananca
medical health sleep disordersHow long after drinking can you take Zopiclone?
Thereof, can I take Zopiclone with alcohol?
No. Do not drink alcohol while you'reonzopiclone. Alcohol and zopiclone togethercanmake you sleep very deeply, so you don't breathe properlyandcan have difficulty waking up. Using heroin ormethadonewith zopiclone may also increase the sedativeeffects ofboth of them.
Herein, how long does Zopiclone take to wear off?
Zopiclone should be taken in a single dose andnotre-administered during the same night. Treatment withzopicloneshould be as short as possible. Generally, theduration oftreatment varies from a few days to two weeks with amaximum,including the tapering off, of fourweeks.
Zopiclone can make a patient feel drowsyanddisoriented. He or she must not operate heavy machinery ordrivefor approximately 10-12 hours after taking the drug.Medicaldoctors have confirmed that Zopiclone can causeoverdosewhen not used as advised and with the proper guidance ofadoctor.