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Asked by: Zhixin Zehetmaier
medical health eye and vision conditionsHow long after PRK can I smoke?
Similarly, is it OK to smoke after Lasik?
Your doctor will tell you when it is safe for youto drive following surgery, typically after one day.Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes for at least the first weekafter LASIK surgery. Read in moderation for the first fewdays after your LASIK procedure. Smoking isallowed, but the smoke may irritate your eyes.
Also know, how long after Lasik can you smoke?
When to Quit Smoking Ideally, patients should give up smoking for atleast several weeks before LASIK and another four to sixweeks after their laser eye surgery. By refraining fromsmoking during this time, patients can ensure thatthe body is in optimal condition for LASIK surgery and therecovery that follows.
However, drinking alcohol after LASIK orany other form of laser vision correction is likely to increaseyour chances of experiencing side-effects. To keep the risks to aminimum, we advise patients avoid drinking alcoholfor at least 24 hours following surgery, sometimes a few daysmore.