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Asked by: Ethelyn Ryjenkov
medical health lung and respiratory healthHow long are broken ribs sore for?
It takes about six weeks for broken ribs to healon their own. During this time, you should avoid activities thatcould further injure your ribs. That means sports and heavylifting are off the table. If anything causes you to feelpain around your ribs, stop immediately and hold offuntil you're healed.
Similarly, you may ask, how long does it take for broken ribs to stop hurting?
about three to six weeks
Also Know, do Broken ribs hurt forever?
While rib fractures from mild or moderate traumaor repetitive movement may seem less severe, they are stillpainful and can lead to serious complications.Pain often occurs with deep breathing. When fracturedribs stay in alignment, they typically heal within sixweeks.
It will tell you the causes, treatment and generaladvice on returning to work and normal activities.Rib fractures usually heal within 4-6 weeks.