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Asked by: Sopio Ipar
books and literature childrens literatureHow long are children's picture books?
Also, how many pages should a children's picture book be?
32 pages
Keeping this in consideration, how long are children's books typically?
Picture books for children up to age eightaverage 1000 words (though many are shorter); easy readers for agesfive to nine are 50-2500 words (depending on the publisher andlevel of reader); chapter books (short novels for ages sevento ten) typically are 10,000-12,000 words; middle gradenovels (ages eight to twelve)
If you're self-publishing a children's book youcan find a range of prices through free lance websites that rangefrom $100 to $5,000. Many professional freelance illustratorscharge $1,200 - $3,500 for a picture book, which istypically 32 total pages and includes coverillustrations.