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Asked by: Marysol Sundermann
travel africa travelHow long can a cheetah maintain 70 miles per hour?
Accordingly, how many miles can a cheetah run per hour?
A cheetah run speed can get up to 76 miles per hour, but they can only sustain them for over a distance of approximately 1,500 feet. Cheetahs can accelerate at an amazing rate, going from a standstill position to as fast as 68 mph in less than three seconds.
Regarding this, what happens if a cheetah runs for too long?
Cheetahs can only run for upto 30 seconds. And they cover upto 1 km. They know when to stop. If they don't stop running, they will burn up extra calories and their body will heat up more than 40.5 degree celsius and they will faint, and before they fall down to ground due to their high speed, they will be cold again.
Usain Bolt vs. The Cheetah: Olympians of the Animal Kingdom. A cheetah would clock in at 64 mph (104 kph), or about twice as fast as the world's top sprinters, while the pronghorn antelope would likely be on the medal stand, pulling out a speed of 55 mph (89 kph).