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Asked by: Phung Fontano
technology and computing tablets and e readersHow long can a Kindle last?
Besides, do Kindles wear out?
As long as you keep the screen safe, Kindles canlast for many years. But eventually the battery is going to wearout, and it will get to the point where it no longer holds acharge. Most people just get rid of their old Kindles whenthe battery dies.
People also ask, how many years do Kindles last?
While the standard life of a Kindle Paperwhitebattery is roughly 28 hours in total from fully charged todead dry, just how long that time lasts can varydepending on how you use it.
Most rechargeable batteries' battery lifeis measured in charges, not years, so it is not unheard of to haveto change a Kindle's battery. If one is having trouble withthe Kindle's battery life, follow these directions to changethe battery: Turn the Kindle off. Slide theback cover off of the Kindle.