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Asked by: Yadhira Mittelstrass
business and finance bankruptcyHow long can a trust last in Michigan?
Likewise, people ask, how much does a trust cost in Michigan?
The cost of forming a living trust in Michigan will depend on how you go about creating it. One option is to make it yourself using an online service. You could pay less than $100 or as much as $300 if you opt for this method. The other option is to draw up the trust document with the help an attorney.
Regarding this, can a trust be contested in Michigan?
Grounds for Contesting a Will or Trust The Will or Trust wasn't signed as required by state law. In Michigan, the testator must sign, and two witnesses must also sign, each having witnessed the testator's signature. The person creating the Will or Trust was unduly influenced into signing it.
Removal of Executors. The court can remove a fiduciary, such as an Executor, when the court believes that the Executor has taken action counter to the beneficiary's best interest breaching their fiduciary duty.