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Asked by: Garnik Bergmuller
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow long can a USB cable be?
Due to its design, USB cable has a normalmaximumlength of about 5 meters (16.4 feet), but you can getlongerdistances by using an Active USBExtension/RepeaterCable from Monoprice!
Also to know is, what is the maximum length of a USB cable?
16 feet
Moreover, how long can a USB printer cable be?
From the USB FAQ: Q1: How long ofacable can I use to connect my device? A1: In practice,theUSB specification limits the length of acablebetween full speed devices to 5 meters (a little under16 feet 5inches). For a low speed device the limit is 3 meters (9feet 10inches).
Active USB Extension Cables basically act asa1-port USB hub. They are able to buffer the signalsgoingthrough the USB cable to assure signal quality. Thatmeansthat you can go much farther with an active USB cablethanwith a passive one.