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Asked by: Chunping Hilck
medical health cold and fluHow long can cold sore virus live on surfaces?
Accordingly, how long does the cold sore virus live outside the body?
SURVIVAL OUTSIDE HOST: HSV virus survivesfor short periods of time outside the host 3. Itcan survive on dry inanimate surfaces (survival ranges fromfew hours to 8 weeks). They survive longer at lower humidity14.
Beside above, how long can cold sore virus live on chapstick?
The Public Health Agency of Canada indicates on theirwebsite that HSV virus survives for short periods of timeoutside of the human body and then gives a pretty wide range forhow long it can survive on dry inanimate surfaces: afew hours to 8 weeks (adding that the virus survives longerat lower humidity).
According to Statt, you should dispose of any lipproduct after using them while sick, as she says your“lip lining are a natural gateway to your respiratorytract,” which can leave you at an increased risk of infectionand illness. And it's not only cold and flu viruses, shesays, but also the Herpes simplex virus.