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Asked by: Cleo Lizancos
personal finance government support and welfareHow long can you be flagged in the army?
Similarly one may ask, can a flagged soldier take leave?
While their is no current AR to prevent NORMAL leave if you are flagged, their is still your units regulations which can be equal or exceed current army regulations.
In this way, what happens if you are flagged in the army?
According to AR 600-8-2, “flag” is an abbreviated term used to describe the initiation or removal of a suspension of personnel actions. When a Soldier's status changes from favorable (meets the standard) to unfavorable (fails to meet the standard) a flag is initiated immediately.
A: A FLAG stops all promotions. If the FLAG is non-transferable, Soldiers will not be able to PCS. You cannot be held past your normal ETS date solely by a FLAG. Any retention past your separation date must be in accordance with AR 27-10, AR 600-8-24, AR 635-200 or AR 140-30.