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Asked by: Cornel Tschannen
business and finance job marketHow long can you collect unemployment benefits in Connecticut?
Then, how long can you collect unemployment in CT?
26 weeks
Besides, what is the maximum unemployment benefit in CT?
Connecticut will raise its maximumweeklyunemployment benefit by $18—the highestamountallowed under law—from $613 to $631, effectiveOct. 7. Thedecision by the state Department of Labor is designed tobring thebenefit in line with wage increases, said CBIAvicepresident for government affairs Eric Gjede.
Amount and Duration ofUnemploymentBenefits in Connecticut The DOL determines your weekly benefit amountbyaveraging your wages from the two highest quarters in yourbaseperiod and dividing that number by 26, up to a maximum of $594(asof October 5, 2014).