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Asked by: Celsina Krumpeter
healthy living nutritionHow long can you keep fresh dates in the fridge?
Fresh dates will keep at room temperature forabout 45 days. When stored in the refrigerator, they're goodfor up to 6 months. Frozen dates keep for up to a year.Dried dates can be refrigerated for a year, or frozen for aslong as 5 years.
Also to know is, do dates go bad in the fridge?
In addition to their irresistibly sweet flavor andversatility, dates, when stored properly, have a seriouslylengthy shelf life. Even when they lose moisture and harden,there's still a way to revive that tender bite. But that doesn'tmean they last forever. Dates can, and do, gobad.
Subsequently, question is, how do you store fresh dates for a long time?
- Place your dates in an airtight container. Glass or plastictupperware works well.
- Store semi-dry dates at room temperature. Place the dates inthe pantry, or on your kitchen counter.
- Place soft dates in the fridge.
- Eat the dates within a week for the best flavor.
- Store the dates in the fridge for a year.
Dates are a good source of variousvitamins and minerals, energy, sugar, and fiber. It also containscalcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium andzinc.