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Asked by: Sihame Terroba
food and drink desserts and bakingHow long can you keep homemade caramel?
In this way, how long will caramel keep in fridge?
Let the caramel sauce cool to roomtemperature,then transfer to a jar and refrigerate. The caramelcan bestored in the refrigerator for 1 month, or in thefreezerfor 3 months.
Likewise, is it OK to eat expired caramel?
"Chocolate can get a powdery look to it - called bloom-because of temperature changes, but it is still finetoeat." Hard candies can last up to a year when storedproperly,and jellied candies, caramels, and gum can lastanywherefrom six to nine months. "It is OK to throw away oldcandy,"advises Aramouni.
Carefully pour the caramel into thepreparedbaking dish. Cool to room temperature, and thenchillin the refrigerator until solid enough tohandle. Store thecaramels in the fridge or at roomtemperature.