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Asked by: Madelaine Tarantino
food and drink desserts and bakingHow long can you keep panettone?
Similarly, it is asked, how long does store bought panettone last?
Artisanal panettone lasts so long (about45 days) in comparison to other baked goods for two main reasons:It goes trough a long and balanced sourdough proofing:lactic fermentation is one of the oldest foodconservation methods.
Likewise, people ask, how long can you keep Panettone Bread?
To store the panettone, wrap tightly inplastic wrap, then either place in a resealable plastic bag, orwrap again in foil. The bread will keep at room temperaturefor up to 1 week.
Once you've sliced your panettone, heat it in theoven for 5-10 minutes, then serve it on a small plate andeat it with a fork and knife. Panettone istraditionally eaten for breakfast, so you can eat itin the morning with a cup of coffee, and even try dipping it intothe coffee.