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Asked by: Apolonio Aartz
medical health first aidHow long can you leave a hydrocolloid bandage on?
People also ask, when can I remove hydrocolloid bandage?
The wounds covered by hydrocolloid bandages aremoist and protected, and need not be cleaned daily. In fact, thewounds will heal faster if they are not cleaned or exposed to airregularly. Hydrocolloid dressings will need a change every 3to 7 days.
Correspondingly, how long should you keep a wound covered?
It is best to keep a wound moist andcovered for at least five days.
Once the initial bandage is removed, dressingsshould be changed as often as needed to keepwound drainage from soaking the gauze. This is usually one to fourtimes a day. If you find that the bandage is wet withdrainage when you change it, then change it moreoften. Soiled dressings should bechanged.