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Asked by: Yongmin Gabaldon
automotive road side assistanceHow long can you leave broken down car on freeway?
Hereof, what should you do if your car breaks down on the freeway?
The National Safety Council suggests the followingmeasures when your car breaks down or has a flat tireon the highway. At the first sign of car trouble,gently and smoothly take your foot off the accelerator.Do not brake hard or suddenly. Carefully work yourvehicle toward the breakdown lane or the side of theroad.
Thereof, can you leave your car if it breaks down?
Leave your vehicle again as soon as youfeel this danger has passed. If you can't get to thehard shoulder, stay in your vehicle unless you can beabsolutely sure it's safe to leave it. Put yourhazard lights on, keep your seatbelt on and call theemergency services.
While remaining in your car, if you haveemergency roadside assistance service, dial them from yourcell phone (if you have one). If you don't haveroadside assistance service, call for a tow truck orby dialing your local non-emergency police station.If you don't know the number offhand, call911.