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Asked by: Indalencio Islan
medical health infectious diseasesHow long can you live with roundworms?
Considering this, how long can roundworms live in soil?
It is rare in the U.S. Roundworm eggs live in soil that is contaminated by feces. The eggs can get into the body through the mouth. The infection can then spread from person to person through infected feces. Roundworms can live inside the small intestine for up to 2 years.
People also ask, do roundworms go away on their own?
Many people recover from ascariasis with minimal treatment. Symptoms may go away even before all the worms are gone. However, ascariasis can cause complications when there are large infestations. If you think you've been infected with roundworms, be sure to see your doctor.
Early-phase symptoms Symptoms usually begin 4 to 16 days after swallowing the eggs and last up to 3 weeks. They include: a high temperature of 38C or above. a dry cough.