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Asked by: Maravilla Shahnazaryants
food and drink desserts and bakingHow long can you store cake flour?
In this regard, is it safe to use expired cake flour?
But remember that flour, like a lot ofotherbaking products, usually has a best before date and notause by date or expiration date. Because ofthisdistinction, you may safely use it for your bakingneedsafter the best before date has lapsed.
Keeping this in consideration, how do you store flour for years?
Store your flour in a cool, dry placeawayfrom sunlight. Flour will keep up to six monthsinthe pantry. If you'd like to keep your flourlonger,store it in the freezer instead. It will keeptherefor several years but is best used withinayear.
Flour has a pretty long shelf life, butitdoes eventually expire. Anything madewithspoiled, musty flour will acquire its unpleasant scentandtaste, ruining your yummy baked goods. Using expiredflourto cook with may even make you sick because itlikelycontains harmful microorganisms.