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Asked by: Xiangdong Cardenas
technology and computing wearable technologyHow long charge Samsung watch first time?
When new, a fully discharged battery requiresapproximately 60 minutes to charge to 50% and 127minutes to charge to 100%. You can use the device whilecharging. Battery life and charge cycles vary by use andsettings.
Moreover, how often should I charge my Samsung Galaxy watch?
No need to charge every day With the Gear S3, you can go forup to four days before putting it down for acharge. Its battery lasts that long. *Battery lifemay vary depending on usage andsettings.
Accordingly, how do you know if your Samsung watch is charging?
When you connect your Galaxy Watch andthe wireless charging dock, the wirelesscharging dock's LED indicator flashes certain colors toindicate the charging status. When there is anerror with the wireless charging dock, the LEDindicator flashes red.
Samsung Galaxy Watch - Charge the Device
- Connect the USB cable to the USB power adapter then plug theadapter into a wall outlet.
- Place the Galaxy Watch onto the wireless charger dock.