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Asked by: Adolfina Rodellar
automotive auto safetyHow long did it take to build all the roads in the US?
In this manner, how long did it take to build the interstate system in the US?
It took several years of wrangling, but a newFederal-Aid Highway Act passed in June 1956. The lawauthorized the construction of a 41,000-mile network ofinterstate highways that would span thenation.
Similarly, you may ask, when did the US start building roads?
The National Road, in many places known as Route40, was built between 1811 and 1834 to reach the westernsettlements. It was the first federally funded road inU.S. history.
The first paved roads in the world were inancient Mesopotamia. They were made of large stones, unlikethe concrete and asphalt roads we use today. This led toCongress passing the Federal-Aid Road Act eight years laterin 1916.