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Asked by: Omaira Kleynemeyer
video gaming music and party video gamesHow long do AirPods 2 last?
In respect to this, how long do AirPods last for?
five hours
Herein, do AirPods wear out?
With that much use, battery life will degrade ina matter of a couple of years. Unfortunately, that just meansyou'll be throwing out your AirPods and buying a newpair. Discarding your AirPods may sound extreme, but thebatteries in the earpieces and the charging case cannot bereplaced.
9 July 2019: Analysts predict AirPods 3 willarrive by end of 2019 with waterproofing. Analysts fromWedbush claim Apple is planning to release the thirdgeneration of AirPods before the end of 2019. It's claimedthey will offer design enhancements in terms of waterproofing butthey will also see a price increase.