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Asked by: Kourtney Juangarcia
medical health cold and fluHow long do cold germs live in refrigerator?
Just so, can germs live in the refrigerator?
Refrigerator. Refrigeration doesn't kill bacteria -- it just slows their growth. The more you open and close the refrigerator door, the greater your chance of bringing in mold.
Similarly one may ask, how long do cold germs live on fabric?
Cold viruses have been shown to survive on indoor surfaces for approximately seven days. Flu viruses, however, are active for only 24 hours. All viruses have the potential to live on hard surfaces, such as metal and plastic, longer than on fabrics and other soft surfaces.
Influenza Germs Viruses that cause influenza can survive in the air as droplets for hours and live on hard surfaces like phones and keyboards for up to 24 hours. Infectious flu viruses clinging to a tissue can last for about 15 minutes, but viruses on the hands tend to fade quickly.