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Asked by: Gladiz Haritzburu
technology and computing wearable technologyHow long do Fitbits last?
five days
In respect to this, how many years will a Fitbit last?
Best answer: The Fitbit Alta HR has abatterylifeof up to seven days, although your mileage may varydependingonwhat features you use.
Device Name | Battery Life |
Fitbit Ace series Fitbit Alta Fitbit Blaze Fitbit Charge2FitbitFlex 2 Fitbit Ionic* Fitbit Inspire series | Up to 5 days |
Fitbit Alta HR Fitbit Charge 3 | Up to 7 days |
Fitbit One | Up to 2 weeks |
Fitbit Zip | Up to 6 months |
Also asked, how long do Fitbits charge 2 last?
Fitbit Charge 2 – BatteryLifeandCharging Battery life is rated at around fivedays,whichis about right. A major improvement over theoldFitbitCharge is the new “clamp-style”USBchargingcable. This locks around the tracker on bothsidesand makesorientating it much easier, ensuringitstaysconnected.
seven days