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Asked by: Israr Dmitrochenko
business and finance real estate industryHow long do I have to move out after sheriff sale NJ?
Simply so, how long after auction do I have to vacate?
about 30 to 45 days
Additionally, how long do you have to move out after a sheriff sale?
After a property is sold at a sheriff's sale, a foreclosure sale, there is a redemption period. For most properties it is a six month period. If the homeowner moves out and the property has been declared abandoned, the redemption period can be shortened to one month.
In New Jersey, a Sheriff's sale of a foreclosure property can be adjourned (fancy for postponed) twice by the Sheriff at the request of the homeowner for any reason. Each of these adjournment shall be for not more than 14 days. The lender may request an adjournment as many times as it wants without reason.