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Asked by: Haddoum Avalyan
hobbies and interests beekeepingHow long do strawberries take to grow Osrs?
There is no flower that protects strawberriesfromdisease when growing, however you may pay the nearby farmerabasket of apples to look after them. It takes 55 minutesforthem to grow. Alternatively, players can obtainstrawberriescommonly by stealing from Fruit stalls.
Furthermore, how long do strawberries take to grow?
Blooming as soon as the weather begins to warminthe spring, ever-bearing strawberries continue to flowerandfruit through the long growing season. Theripestrawberries are normally ready to pick four to sixweeksafter the plants blossom, beginning in late spring andcontinuingthrough the summer.
Subsequently, question is, how do you farm strawberries Osrs?
- Acquire a level 31 farming.
- Travel to one of the allotment patches. South of Falador.
- Rake the patch. Allow your character to rake all the weedsoutof the patch.
- Add compost to the patch.
- Plant 3 strawberry seeds.
- Water the patch, when needed.
- Harvest the strawberries after 60 minutes of planting.
1 hour and 20 minutes