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Asked by: Carles Armero
medical health infectious diseasesHow long do TB patients need to be isolated?
Similarly, it is asked, should a person with TB be isolated?
If you have been diagnosed with contagious tuberculosis (TB), your health care provider may tell you that you need to be on home isolation. Home isolation will help stop the spread of TB to others. Young children and people with weak immune systems are at highest risk for getting sick with TB.
Correspondingly, how long are you contagious with TB after starting treatment?
People with symptomatic TB are contagious until they have taken their TB medications for at least two weeks. After that point, treatment must continue for months, but the infection is no longer contagious.
Patients can be considered noninfectious when they meet all of the following three criteria: They have three consecutive negative AFB sputum smears collected in 8- to 24-hour intervals (one should be an early morning specimen); They are compliant with an adequate treatment regimen for two weeks or longer; and.