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Asked by: Meihong Kharbanda
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow long do you cook chicken pieces on the grill?
Then, how long does it take to cook chicken pieces?
Roast at 200C/180C fan/gas mark 6 (wholechicken:25 minutes per 500g, plus an extra 25 minutes;breasts, 15 minutes;thighs and wings, 40 minutes). Grill orbarbecue (breast, 7-10minutes; cubes or strips, 5-7 minutes;drumsticks andthighs, 25-30 minutes; wings, 40minutes).
- Do NOT close the lid on your grill.
- Cook chicken breasts on medium-high heat (425degreesFahrenheit) for 5-7 minutes per side (until yourinternaltemperature hits 157-160 degrees)
Likewise, people ask, what is the best way to cook chicken on a grill?
Marinade for a 30 minutes (or up to 4 hours)beforecooking chicken. Place chicken on thegrillfor 7-8 minutes. Flip over and cook anadditional 7-8minutes or until no pink remains and chickenreaches165°F.
Grilled chicken temp Grill over medium-high heat untilinternaltemp reaches 165° F. A quick-read digitalthermometer isthe safest and easiest way to testdoneness.