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Asked by: Jerome Aruildi
food and drink world cuisinesHow long do you have to let pickles pickle?
Also know, how long can cucumbers sit before pickling?
You will need a recipe, most of which will tell you to salt your sliced cucumbers and let them sit for about 3 hours (more is better).
Additionally, does a cucumber turn into a pickle?
If the process of making pickles sounds difficult, don't worry. The cucumbers become the pickles and the other ingredients make up the juice in which the pickles are stored. The primary ingredient after cucumbers is acetic acid, more commonly known as vinegar. After water, vinegar makes up most of the pickle juice.
Your pickles will turn out crisp and you won't need to add firming agents. For a quick and easy way to help ensure crisp pickles: soak cucumbers in ice water for 4 to 5 hours before pickling. Using lime, or calcium hydroxide, in solution for soaking cucumbers changes the amount of acid in the cucumber tissue.