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Asked by: Maddox Orosa
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow long do you have to wait between coats of epoxy?
Similarly, can I put a second coat of epoxy resin?
Yes, you can apply a second coat of resin if you need to fix a mistake or a surface imperfection. You can also pour multiple layers if you need to cover areas of high relief, if you're pouring into a mold or if you simply like the look of a thicker coat.
Similarly one may ask, how do you apply a second coat of glazed coat?
Keep dust away for approximately eight hours after pouring. This can be accomplished by having a dust cover ready to use after pour to prevent debris from falling on project. If a second coat is required, cover project and allow to cure approximately 4-5 hours at 70 °F before applying second coat.
Can I put another coat of epoxy over cured epoxy? Yes. Since the epoxy has cured a chemical bond is not possible so what is called a mechanical bond is needed. This simply means that the cured epoxy has to be lightly sanded before the next coat is applied: the first coat should have a matt, almost white, surface.