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Asked by: Yalila Druckrey
food and drink cookingHow long do you put Bagel Bites in the microwave?
Furthermore, how long do I put 12 Bagel Bites in the microwave?
Microwave (1100 Watt)(For softerbagels)Cook according to chart.Arrange 4 Bagel Bitesabout 1/2 inchapart on a microwavable plate and cook for 55 secondson Highpower.For 12 Bagel Bites remove crisping tray fromthe boxand remove plastic wrapper.
Also asked, how long do you cook 20 Bagel Bites in the microwave?
Microwave (1100 Watt)(Forsofterbagels)Remove crisping tray from the box and removeplasticwrapper.Place tray shiny side up, with all 9 frozenBagelBites in microwave oven.Cook 2 minutesand20 seconds on high power.Let bagels stand for1minute before serving.
Microwave (1200 watt): (For softerbagels).Remove crisping tray from the box and removeplastic wrapper.Place tray, shiny side up, with all 12frozen bagelsin microwave oven. Cook 2 minutes and45 seconds on highpower.