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Asked by: Laticia Yolles
medical health pregnancyHow long do you stay in hospital after Rectocele surgery?
Regarding this, how long do you stay in hospital after prolapse surgery?
Both of these are usually removed the day after surgery. It is likely that you will be in the hospital for 2-3 days depending on the type of prolapse operation and any medical conditions you have. Following this the recuperation period is 2 -3 months and you must avoid heavy lifting and stretching for three months.
Similarly, you may ask, what can I expect after Rectocele surgery?
What to Expect After Repair Surgery
- You will have a gauze dressing in your vagina to help stop bleeding. The dressing will be removed the day after your surgery.
- A catheter will drain urine from your bladder.
- You may have some vaginal bleeding after surgery.
- You can shower 48 hours after your surgery.
The most common postoperative symptom after rectocele repair is rectal pressure and discomfort. Symptoms improve or resolve between 60-80 percent of the time. Light vaginal bleeding can occur as the incision heals and some discomfort with bowel movements is normal, initially.