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Asked by: Jese Bras
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow long does a bay leaf tree take to grow?
Likewise, people ask, do bay trees grow quickly?
Although bay can grow into a tall tree, it is often kept smaller by pruning or by confining it in a container. Because bay is a very slow grower, it can be grown as an ornamental and it is even more suited to growing in a pot. It has attractive foliage and can easily be pruned and sheared into topiary shapes.
Also question is, how long do bay trees take to grow?
As the bay tree grows in height remove any shoots which appear, normally from between a leaf and the main stem. After two to three years the stem should have grown to about 90cm / 3 foot .
Sweet bay trees should be planted in well drained soil with an incorporation of generous amounts of compost. The trees can be kept at a smaller growth habit if grown in a container, which also allows the gardener to bring the tree indoors or to a sheltered location when cold temperatures threaten.