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Asked by: Sulami Stancescu
home and garden home appliancesHow long does a new fridge freezer take to get cold?
You should normally wait 2 to 3 hoursafterplugging the new refrigerator in before you load itwithfood.
Similarly, you may ask, how long does a new fridge take to get cold?
At initial startup both fresh food and freezercontrolsshould be set at the normal setting or mid-pointsettings asindicated in your Owner's Manual. On average, it takestherefrigerator 24 hours to reach a stable temperature uponinitialstartup or each time the settings are changed on thetemperaturecontrols.
Similarly, you may ask, how long do you have to wait to put food in a new refrigerator?
But slow down for just a sec; after you pluginyour refrigerator, you should wait 2 hours tomakesure your fridge is cooling before you beginstoringfood in it.
about 4 hours