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Asked by: Aniano Tsvetnov
home and garden home appliancesHow long does a pedestal sump pump last?
20 to 30 years
Also asked, how long do sump pumps last on average?
about 10 years
- Pump Actuates but Doesn't Empty Basin. This often means the pump inlet screen is clogged by debris.
- Basin Filling, Pump Doesn't Actuate.
- Basin Empty, Pump Running.
- Basin Refills Rapidly and Pump Turns on Again.
Simply so, how often should a sump pump be replaced?
Most pumps should be replaced every five years or according to the manufacturer's suggestion. The float and activation switch for the sump may need to be replaced more frequently than the pump. Meanwhile, the sump, the switch, and the float should be inspected yearly.
Unsurprisingly, we'd expect the M53 to last between 7 and 15 years while we'd expect the CDU980E to last between 4 and 8 years; this is significant if you're hoping to avoid replacing your sump pump for a good amount of time.