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Asked by: Sanaa Zouini
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow long does a radon fan last?
In respect to this, do radon fans run all the time?
The genral answer is Yes. In addition, ground moisture will begin to enter the bearings and motor, causing a pre-mature failure of the fan so it is best to keep the fan running even if you go on an extended vacation. Powering these fans are typically pennies per day.
Additionally, how long does it take to get rid of radon?
Generally speaking, it only takes one to three days to remove the radon from your home, and then it will need to be tested again. If levels are below the recommended threshold of 0.4 pCi/L, a radon mitigation system can be installed to prevent more radon from coming into your home.
Radon Fans The highest quality fan in the industry. Radon fans run continuously and while NRPP requirements call for a disconnect switch, the fans should never be turned off. Radon concentrations will return to elevated levels in just a few short hours.