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Asked by: Maha Hanane
business and finance real estate industryHow long does a writ of possession take in NJ?
Hereof, what does writ of possession mean in NJ?
purchased the property at a sheriff's sale (a sale held by a sheriff to pay a court judgment against the. owner of the property) Writ of Possession - A Writ of Possession is a court order that grants a person the right of possession of real property that they are not currently in possession of.
Keeping this in view, how long does an ejectment take?
The process can take anywhere from three months to a year, depending on the oppositions level of representation. If the ejectment is unopposed ninety days is a realistic time frame. However, if the ejectment is a contest, it may take a full year to secure your property.
You can get a 'writ of possession' if you transfer the warrant from the county court to the High Court. This means a High Court enforcement officer can evict your tenants. You might get a faster eviction this way.