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Asked by: Susagna Hauenschiel
business and finance job marketHow long does an employer have to respond to unemployment in Tennessee?
Also, what happens if my former employer doesn't respond to unemployment claim?
Not responding promptly to anunemploymentinsurance claim can directly affect anemployer's taxrate. If the employer does not respondor responds too late,the worker could automatically get UIbenefits, inmost states.
Also, how long does it take to get a response from EDD interview?
In most states, if you are scheduled for aphoneinterview, it occurs within ten days of filing. Mostpeoplereceive their first benefit check within two to threeweeksof filing their claim, says the U.S. Department of Labor,despitethe prevalence of phone interviews.
If your state's unemployment officedoesnot have any questions about your claim, you'll usuallyreceiveyour first check within two to three weeks after you applyfor andare approved for benefits. Your state's unemploymentofficecan give you specific information as to theirpaymenttimelines.