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Asked by: Eufemia Lava
home and garden home improvementHow long does bleach take to kill plants?
Accordingly, can bleach damage plants?
Household bleach comes in two main forms:chlorinebleach (sodium hypochlorite) and oxygenatedbleach(sodium percarbonate). Oxygenated bleach,sometimes referredto as "oxy bleach," is not caustic andwill notharm plants. Chlorine bleach iscaustic and cancause great damage to plantsand soil.
Also to know is, will pouring bleach on a plant kill it?
Bleach will not only affect plantgrowth,but will most likely kill a plantaltogether.While chlorine in small doses is harmless or evenbeneficial toplants, concentrated chlorine such as bleachwilldestroy a plant and the network of life thatplantdepends on to obtain nutrients and thrive.
Bleach. Bleach is a very causticmaterialand can seriously damage and kill most plantsandtrees, including hedges. If you want to purposefullykillunruly hedges, pour bleach onto the hedges'roots.Keep in mind, however, that you will mostlikely killall other plants, including grass, in thearea.