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Asked by: Yandira Balladares
food and drink desserts and bakingHow long does cake flour last after expiration date?
In this regard, can you use cake flour after expiration date?
We recommend using the“BestBy” date as a guide and using theflourno more than a week or two after thatdate. Iffreezer space is available, flour can berepackaged inairtight, moisture-proof containers, labeled andplaced in thefreezer at 0° F. If flour is stored likethis, itcan last past theexpirationdate.
Keeping this in view, how long is cake flour good after expiration date?
White flour has a shelf life of 6 to 12 monthsifstored properly outside of the refrigerator. Stored intherefrigerator at 40 degrees Fahrenheit, white flour lastsforup to 2 years and can be kept indefinitely if stored inthefreezer.
Properly stored, a package of white flourwillgenerally stay at best quality for about 1 year atroomtemperature. To maximize the shelf life ofwhiteflour once the package is opened, transfer flourto acovered airtight container or place original flour bagin aresealable plastic freezer bag.